Kick off White Nose Pete Weekend with an HMH Bar Flies Series Event
Join HMH Pro Scott Biron and Jon Larrabee at an intermediate class to learn how to tie fishing flies at:
The Rangeley In & Tavern
2443 Main St, Rangeley, ME 04970
The class will be held June 6, 2025 from 3:30 – 5:30 PM
Come and learn the history and how to tie the “Red Squirrel Picket Pin”, and the “Picket Pin”. The RSPP was created for the Magalloway River and northern NH areas to target both trout and salmon. The PP is western fly that is deadly in NE waters. All the materials will be provided as part of the HMH Bar Flies Tying Series.
Tyers should be intermediate level or above as the instructional aspect of these events will move at a moderate pace.
Attendees need to have a vise, tying tools and white and black thread; all other materials will be provided along with a beverage! (Vises and tools may be available but please, request LONG before the event! Scott Biron at [email protected]
Sponsored by Rangeley Region Fly Shop